-Jazz management isn't going to let a player bully them into a deal. What happens if they give in to Boozer's demands and trade him for 30 cents on the dollar? It just leaves the door wide open for another Jazz player in the future who is disgruntled to do the same thing Boozer is doing right now. Utah isn't the most attractive location for an NBA player. SLC is a predominantly white and LDS population, something that the NBA is most definitely not. It can be tough for players here. Matters would be much worse if players and GM's around the league feel like they can shove the franchise around.
-Boozer isn't helping his trade value any by going out and saying he wants to be gone. You lose the upper hand when people think or know you are desperate to get rid of someone, or that someone is desperate to leave.
-None of the rumored potential trades have been ones that the Jazz would accept. The only reason why they would trade Boozer is for an all-star caliber player, or extra salary relief this year. Which leads us to the final and biggest reason.
-It is hard for the Jazz to make a trade that betters the situation that they are already in. It is unlikely they'd get the combo they are getting with Boozer this season: someone who frees up a lot of money at the end of the season, who also happens to give you top 20 production this season. Face it, Boozer has never been so motivated to stay healthy and show his worth. If he's injured again, his value is shot, but if he stays healthy and plays to the level he is capable, then he's likely going to have his best year yet. If Boozer is still a member of the Jazz come training camp, I'm sure he will shut his mouth and go to work so he can get an enormous contract in the offseason, even if it means one more season with the Jazz.
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